Wednesday, September 9, 2009

English 10 Media Unit

General Media

Media Giants-How companies are connected from PBS Frontline Merchants of Cool.
Media Lesson Plan-Includes a quiz from PBS and discussion points
Center For Media Literacy-Resource Website
Media Literacy Class Website
Podcasts explaining Media
Defining Mass Media-Also has links to other lesson plans on media


TV Analysis Lesson Plan-Do TV shows reflect real life?
Stereotypes in Media Lesson Plan-Analyze stereotypes using cartoons From Center for Media L

Advertising Persuasion Techniques Lesson Plan From Center for Media Literacy
Archive of TV Commercials Commercials are organized by company and year
Cost of Cool Interactive quizzes that show differences between designers and off brands

Camera Angles-Explains various shots and angles including camera movement
Grammar of Film-Includes graphics that quickly identify differences between all types of shots

iMovie instructional videos from Atomic Learning for those random needed facts
Using Film in the Classroom

Golden Age of Radio Webquest that includes links to other sites with examples
Classic Radio Shows that can be downloaded
Radio Broadcasting Lesson Plan that asks students to create their own radio programs
Radio News Lesson Plan with other handouts
Garage Band instructional videos from Atomic Learning
SoundzAbound for sound effects